Insect Factsheets
Alfalfa Weevil
Blister Beetles
Clover Leaf Weevil
Meadow Spittlebug
Pea Aphids
Potato Leafhopper
Spotted Alfalfa Aphid
Disease Factsheets
Alfalfa Stem Nematode
Aphanomyces Root Rot
Bacterial Wilt
Common Leaf Spot
Crown Rot Alfalfa
Fusarium Wilt
Lepto Leaf Spot
Phytophthora Root Rot
Root Knot Nematodes
Root Lesion Nematode
Sclerotinia Crown Stem Rot
Spring Black Stem Leaf Spot
Summer Black Stem Leaf Spot
Verticillium Wilt
Yellow Leaf Blotch
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January Featured Fact Sheet: Root Lesion Nematode
- Plants infected with root-lesion nematodes do not typically have clear diagnostic symptoms.
- Root-lesion nematodes may kill seedlings and impair stand establishment.
- Older, infected plants may be stunted and appear in scattered patches in a field. Areas with disease may be weedy and have reduced stand density and yield.
- Infected plants may have dark, brown-black lesions on the surface of roots. Fine, fibrous roots and Rhizobia nodules may be absent due to nematode feeding, resulting in impaired nutrient uptake.
Click here to read more about Root Lesion Nematode