Summer Black Stem and Leaf Spot
- New leaf spots on leaves and stems are usually chocolate to reddish brown and often are fairly large (2-6 mm in diameter) with a fuzzy margin.
- Spots turn a silvery tint and often have a chlorotic halo around them.
- A few lesions can cause leaflets to fall off the plants.
- More than one leaf disease often occurs at the same time on a plant.
- Leaf diseases vary according to the rates of stem and leaf growth, and are influenced by humidity, temperature, and light intensity
Pathogen Involved:
- Cercospora medicaginis (a fungus)
- Overwinters in infected stems
Time of Occurrence:
- Summer leaf spot and black stem usually begins on or after the second cutting.
Conditions Favoring Disease:
- Warm to hot, wet and humid weather
Disease Management:
- Cultivars with high levels of resistance are not available, but some cultivars appear more resistant than others
- Harvesting early is recommended to reduce loss of quality and yield.