Insect Factsheets
Mexican Bean Beetle
Soybean Aphid
Disease Factsheets
Bacterial Blight
Bacterial Pustule
Bean Pod Mottle
Brown Stem Rot
Bud Blight
Charcoal Rot
Downy Mildew
Frogeye Leaf Spot
Green Stem Syndrome
Phytophthora Rot
Phytophthora Seed Seedling Blight
Pod Stem Blight
Powdery Mildew
Purple Seed Stain Cercospora Leaf Blight
Pythium Seedling Root Rot
Rhizoctonia Root Rot
Sclerotinia Stem Rot
Septoria Brown Spot
Soybean Cyst Nematode
Soybean Mosaic
Soybean Rust
Stem Canker
Sudden Death Syndrome
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January Featured Fact Sheet: Bud Blight
- Young plants can be stunted.
- The terminal bud of plants at various ages can be bent over to form a characteristic hook, and buds may become brown and fall off.
- The pith may develop a brown discoloration, and leaflets may be smaller than normal and may deform by cupping.
- Pods may have brown patches and may develop poorly and abort.
- Maturity can be delayed and plants may remain green until frost.
Click here to read more about Bud Blight