Annual Weed Control Research Report

This report is a summary of herbicide evaluation studies conducted at the University of Illinois Department of Crop Sciences Weed Science program in 2017. The purpose of this report is to inform our colleagues at other universities, our cooperators in industry, and other interested persons of the results of our 2017 field research. The information within does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement of any product or rate. Current recommendations for weed control in field crops are available from University of Illinois Extension.
Weed control and crop injury ratings are based on a 0 to 99 scale with 99 equivalent to complete control and 0 equal to no control or injury. Plant species are reported as a five-letter Bayer code. Herbicides are referred to by their trade name or experimental number. A list of weed species and herbicides used along with some code abbreviations can be found in the appendix. Rates are given as active ingredient or acid equivalent where applicable.
A fast finish field cultivator was used for any preplant incorporated (PPI) treatments.
In preparing individual trials we try to be as complete as possible, however, certain omissions do occur. In addition, despite careful proofing, certain errors in text entry and compilation may exist. If you believe you have found an error, need further assistance, or have suggestions, please contact Kip Jacobs ( or Aaron Hager ( (217-265-0344 or 217-333-4424)