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January Featured Fact Sheet: Pea Aphids
The pea aphid is a pea-green, soft-bodied insect about one-sixth inch long. The adult may be winged or wingless, while the smaller nymphs, which resemble the adults, are wingless. The nymphs shed their shins several times in the normal growth process; these cast-off skins are white and quite noticeable on plants and on the ground. Aphids produce a sugary, sticky material called "honey dew," which is visible on plants in moderate to severe infestations. Alfalfa, clover, and garden peas are the plants on which the aphids usually feed.
Click here to read more about Pea Aphids
Insect Factsheets
Mexican Bean Beetle
Pea Aphids
Disease Factsheets
Downey Mildew
Gray Mold (PDF 423kb)
White Mold
Bacterial Blight (PDF 68kb)
Brown Spot (PDF 68kb)
Halo Blight (PDF 68kb)
Alfalfa Mosaic
Bean Common Mosaic
Cucumber Mosaic
Black Root Rot
Fusarium and Rhizoctonia Root Rot
Lesion Nematodes (PDF 756kb)
Pea Enation Mosaic
Red Clover Vein Mosaic
Root-Knot Nematodes (PDF 600kb)