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January Featured Fact Sheet: Sap Beetles
The picnic beetle (Fig. 1) is black with four prominent orange or yellow spots on the wing covers, which are shorter than the abdomen. This insect is found in decaying fruit and also in the ears and stalks of corn that has been damaged by the corn earworm and corn borer. The corn sap beetle is a tiny brown beetle found in the ears of corn that have been damaged by earworm or corn borer. The wing covers do not extend over the entire abdomen. The eggs, which are laid singly, are white and slender, resembling a house fly egg. The larvae of both species are active white to cream-colored worms with bromn heads. They pupate in the soil.
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Insect Factsheets
Black Cutworm
Corn Flea Beetle
Corn Leaf Aphid
Sap Beetles
Disease Factsheets
Common Rust
Crazy Top (PDF 144kb)
Corn Stunt
Maize Chlorotic Dwarf
Stewart's Bacterial Wilt